Jennett Spence Mooney’s Rum Cake
1 pkg. Duncan Hines yellow butter cake mix ½ cup Wesson oil ½ cup light rum 1 (3-oz) pkg. Royal instant vanilla pudding mix 4 eggs ½ cup water ¾ cup finely crushed pecans Mix together and beat 3 minutes. Grease well a Bundt pan with Crisco and press into pan ¾ cup finely crushed pecans. Pour in batter. Bake at 325 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool upright 20 minutes, then invert on plater. Glaze as follows. Glaze: 1 stick butter ½ cup rum 1 cup sugar
Boil 3 minutes. Dribble with glaze a little at a time for 3 days. Editorial comments – Deana, the Castle Museum’s project chef, made this cake for our team. We found it exceptionally moist. The flavor of rum was not at all strong and some found it evocative of a Pina Colada. Others found the mixture of icing, nuts and cake crumbs remaining on the serving tray particularly appealing – and addictive. There was overall agreement that it is a wonderful cake and we strongly encourage you to bake one – or two. After that, you will want to bake more. - - - A little background about the creator of this recipe ……
“Lewis Cass Society Names New Officers”
“Jennett Spence [Mooney] new president of CAR Lewis Cass Society [Michigan chapter of the Children of the American Revolution], elected at the home of Mary Bauer, 221 South Granger. Balloting featured a luncheon and musical program.” The Saginaw News, March 6, 1950 The National organization of the Children of the American Revolution –CAR - was founded in 1895 and chartered by the United States Congress. Online sources note: “CAR offers membership to anyone under the age of 22 who is lineally descended from someone who served in the Continental Army or gave material aid to the cause of freedom in the American Revolution. There are three parent organizations: DAR, Sons of the American Revolution, and Sons of the Revolution.” The Saginaw Chapter was organized on February 24, 1913 and the first chapter president was Mrs. William S. Linton. At that time, it was noted the group was “dedicated to perpetuating the memory and spirt of the Pilgrim Fathers.” Before being elected chapter president, Jennett Spence served at the chapter’s secretary and treasurer.
On July 23, 1950, the same year that Jennett Spence was elected president of the Saginaw chapter of CAR, The Saginaw News reported:
“Trio of Novice Winners Decided in City Net Play: Irving Niemi Take Men’s Honors; Tournament Continues Today.”
“Three more titles were decided yesterday at Garber Municipal Courts as play continued in the city novice tennis tournament Irving Niemi Captured the men’s championship, Nancy Greenhoe won the title in the women’s division, and Jennett Spence captured honors in the girls’ 18-years –and-under section.”
After graduating from Arthur Hill High School and Central Michigan University, Miss Spence married Albert K. Mooney on August 7, 1960. The ceremony was held at St. Andrew’s Church with a reception following in the garden of her parents’ home on Edgewood Road. Her community activities have included chairing the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s 1991 Breath of Life Campaign. Mrs. Mooney is a lifelong Saginaw resident.