Morley Room Rental
During business hours, the Morley Room may be rented by community and nonprofit organizations for educational, cultural, or civic purposes. We DO NOT rent the room for private events such as showers or parties.
Due to concern for proper care of the building and our collections, we will no longer rent the Morley Room for after hours events.*
You can check availability of the Morley Room on the calendar below.
Room capacity: 92 participants
Unlimited time during our business hours.* In addition to table and chair set-up/take-down, this option also includes use of podium, microphone (wired and wireless), television/laptop, WiFi, and 12 or 30 Cup Coffee Urn.
Business Hours:
Mon-Wed: 10 am - 4 pm
Thurs: 10 am - 6:30 pm
Fri-Sat: 10 am - 4 pm
Sun: 1:30-3:30 pm
Regular price: $100
Nonprofit: $50
See the Layout Options Guide to select table and chair set-up style. Please note that any changes to the layout of amenities will have to be made prior to the day of the event. The front desk staff will not be able to assist in making changes on the day of your meeting.
*Partner nonprofit organizations who request staff-provided programming will be considered for after hours rentals, however, this is at the discretion and availability of the requested staff member.
To rent the Morley Room, please fill out the Room Rental Worksheet and return to the Castle Museum via email: roomrental@castlemuseum.org or mail: 500 Federal Ave. Saginaw, MI 48607
Questions? Give us a call. (989) 752-2861.