A Saginaw County Photographic Project

The Castle Museum of Saginaw County History is excited to announce an exciting new project to document historical photographs from throughout the county. We will be working to create a digital archive of historical images currently held in private collections. We know that there are a lot of wonderful images out there that tell the story of Saginaw County and we also realize how important they are to the people they belong to. This digital archive will not only enable these images to be preserved along with the stories they convey, it will also enhance our understanding of our county’s history thus enabling us to tell a more inclusive story at the Castle Museum.
Working in conjunction with each Township as well as the Cities, Villages, Historical Societies and Libraries located in each, the Castle Museum will be systematically visiting each township over the next several years to acquire and scan historical county images from local residents. Historical information about each image will also be obtained. All images will be on loan to the museum and will be returned once the scans are complete to the owner along with a disk of all of their images.
This project is all about our continuing commitment to learn, preserve and share our county’s story. Once the photographs are scanned, unless otherwise specified by a lender, their images will be shared with each Township, City, Village, Historical Society and Library with the understanding that ownership of all the images will remain with the lenders and credit will be given them when used. In addition images will not be shared by the museum without a lender’s permission.
Out of State or Unable to Travel to Us?
You may now scan your own photos and send them to us with descriptive information. Please scan photos as .tiff documents and scan both front (and back if there is any hand written information). Photos and information may be sent to:
Is the Time Machine Coming to Your Area?
Upcoming dates will be listed below. Please print out a copy of our flier below and put it around your town OR download and share our image to social media. The more images we get to scan, the more complete our collection!